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Root Canal Treatment Specialist

Endodontic Partners of West Alabama -  - Endodontist

Endodontic Partners of West Alabama

Endodontists located in Tuscaloosa, AL

If drinking a glass of ice water causes shooting pain in your tooth or you notice the gums around a sore tooth are swollen, you may need a root canal treatment. Andrew Graves, DMD, and James Mills Jr, DMD, at Endodontic Partners of West Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, can expertly assess your teeth to determine whether a root canal is the best course of action to save your tooth. Call the practice or book an appointment online today.

Root Canal Treatment Q & A

What is a root canal treatment?

Root canals are endodontic procedures to remove bacteria from infected root canals inside your teeth, prevent reinfection, and save the tooth.

Your expert provider at Endodontic Partners of West Alabama removes inflamed and infected tooth pulp during the procedure, disinfects the inside of your tooth, and then fills and seals the tooth to prevent future decay.

Left untreated, an infection inside your tooth can spread to other parts of your body, and in rare cases can even become life-threatening. If you need root canal treatment, the infected pulp inside your tooth needs removing.

What are the signs I need a root canal treatment?

There’s a good chance you need a root canal if you crack a tooth or have a deep cavity. The following signs and symptoms may mean you need a root canal:

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold
  • Pain when biting or chewing
  • Swollen gums
  • Darkening of gum color
  • Bumps or pimples on gums

You may also need a root canal if your tooth had a previous filling and becomes infected again.

Does a root canal treatment hurt?

The team at Endodontic Partners of West Alabama ensures every patient is comfortable throughout all procedures, including a root canal. Local anesthesia is applied around the tooth needing the root canal to keep it numb throughout the procedure.

You may remain numb for two to four hours after the root canal. You shouldn’t eat until the numbness goes away. Over-the-counter pain medication may be helpful if you have any discomfort after the procedure.

What is the Gentlewave® procedure?

Endodontic Partners of West Alabama offer the Gentlewave procedure for a less-invasive root canal option.

The device delivers fluids throughout your root canal system to remove the canal infection while preserving more of your tooth structure than the traditional root canal treatment procedure.

Do I need a crown after a root canal?

Most teeth receiving root canal treatment need a crown to maintain their strength and function.  Teeth in the back of the mouth generally require crowns after a root canal, while incisors and canines toward the front of the mouth may not need a crown.

What if a root canal fails?

Most completed root canals last a lifetime. If your root canal fails, it’s often possible to perform a root canal retreatment to save the tooth.

If you have any of the signs and symptoms of needing a root canal, call or schedule an appointment online today.