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Dental Injuries Specialist

Endodontic Partners of West Alabama -  - Endodontist

Endodontic Partners of West Alabama

Endodontists located in Tuscaloosa, AL

While most dental injuries are minor, such as a chipped tooth, any trauma that occurs in or near your mouth requires an immediate exam from a professional endodontist or dentist. If you’ve experienced a dental injury, in or near Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a thorough exam from James Mills Jr, DMD, or Andrew Graves, DMD, at Endodontic Partners of West Alabama will ensure you don’t suffer long-term effects from unnoticed trauma. If you’ve suffered a dental injury, call or schedule an appointment online today.

Dental Injuries Q & A

What is a traumatic dental injury?

Traumatic dental injuries typically occur in children but can affect patients of all ages. Whether from a bad fall, a car accident, or a sports mishap, dental injuries can have long-term effects on your overall oral health. 

What are the most common dental injuries?

Most minor dental trauma results in chipped teeth and more serious dental injuries include dislodged or knocked-out teeth. The location of the damaged tooth and the extent of the injury dramatically affect the treatment required. 

After suffering from a dental injury, the most crucial action you can take is to see your dentist or endodontist immediately. The outcome of your overall recovery depends on how quickly you're treated. 

How are dental injuries treated?

The severity and type of injury determine the treatment needed. The most common dental injuries and their standard treatments include:

Chipped or fractured teeth

A simple filling can fix most chipped teeth. However, if the tooth's pulp is exposed, it may need a root canal.

Chips or cracks in the back teeth may be more severe and include fractured cusps, cracks, or split teeth. If any cracked teeth or fractured teeth extend into the tooth's root, a root canal treatment or endodontic surgery may be necessary. 

Dislodged teeth

An injury may push a tooth further into its socket or partially out of it. In both of these situations, your tooth will need to be repositioned and stabilized to save your tooth. Your tooth may also need a root canal and professional monitoring to ensure your tooth makes a full recovery.

Knocked-out teeth

If your tooth is completely knocked out from your dental injury, time is of the essence. Find the tooth, hold it by the crown or chewing portion, and gently rinse the root with water only if it is dirty. Then, if possible, place the tooth back into its socket and see your endodontist or dentist immediately. 

You may require a splint to stabilize it as you recover, and a root canal may be necessary, based on the stage of root development of your tooth.

To fully recover from any dental injuries, prompt treatment from a professional endodontist is critical. To ensure your smile stays intact, call or schedule an appointment online with Endodontic Partners of West Alabama immediately after suffering any dental injuries.